Object of the interface
This interface is designed to enable the automatic import of stored data as clients number, articles number, open checkout number and sales volume by time slot. It aims to make the expected data available in a text file. This file will be read and interpreted by the interface in order to update the stored data in the Timesquare® database.
Learn more about setting up the import.
File name
The file can be named in two different ways depending upon the third system which may build one different file for each day or a unique file containing one or more days of historical data.
Unique files
File name is free (Text + extension), but once it has been defined in the import setup it should not be
Example 1: the Label field in the configuration and the import file are both named incomingflows.txt.
Example 2: the Label field in the configuration and the import file are both named
Fichiers multiples
The file name must comply with a specific syntax including the date of the data provided. The Label field must define the naming chosen. Thus, LabelJJMMAAAA.EXT, LabelJJMMAA.EXT, LabelAAAAMMJJ.EXT or LabelAAMMJJ.EXT are the supported wordings in which:
- "Label" is made of a string of alphanumerical characters that can be personalized
- "JJ" stands for the day (DD), "MM" stands for the month, "AA" and "AAAA" stands for the year (YY or YYYY), that can be indifferently written with 2 or 4 characters
- "EXT" is an alphanumerical string with 3 characters maximum that can be personalized
Example 1: the Label field in the configuration is named site1_JJMMAA.txt and the three import files are
named site1_040520.txt, site1_050520.txt and site1_060520.txt.
Example 2: the Label field in the configuration is named siteflowAAAAMMJJ.001 and the three import
files are named siteflow20200504.001, siteflow20200505.001 and siteflow20200506.001.
Example 3: the Label field in the configuration is named AAMMJJ.txt and the three import files are
named 040520.txt, 050520.txt et 060520.txt.
Text. UTF-8 encoding.
Separator between two information
The separator between two pieces of information is the semicolon (;).
Description of the file content
Order | Field name |
Type | Notes |
01 | Site identifier | Alphanumerical | With no space and no special character |
02 | Date | Date | DD/MM/YYYY (day, month, year) |
03 | Time slot | Time | HH:NN (hours, minutes) |
04 | Checkout number | Numerical | Integer |
05 | Sales volume | Signed numerical | Real with two decimals |
06 | Number of articles | Numerical | Integer |
07 | Number of clients | Numerical | Integer |
Example of content
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