{ "_links" : { "related" : { "href" : "http://hector:1983/api/feed/import_config/660000" } }, "authors" : [ { "name" : "Timesquare" } ], "categories" : [ { "scheme" : "http://schemas.holydis.com/hd/2010/type", "term" : "http://schemas.holydis.com/tsq/2010#import" } ], "log" : "2022/12/23 13:06;101;Start run of the import service2022/12/23 13:06;102;Import label: \"Convocations Visite Medicale\";2022/12/23 13:06;103;Import type requested \"IMPORT_CONVOCATION_STANDARD\";2022/12/23 13:06;104;File to be imported: \"convoc-3.txt\";2022/12/23 13:06;336;There are several notifications with this code;CONV9777G;\"BRZ;CONV9777G;Convocation Importée 35;#E11C2E;0\"2022/12/23 13:06;336;There are several notifications with this code;CONV9777H;\"BRZ;CONV9777H;Convocation Importée 36;#94C5D0;0\"2022/12/23 13:06;193;Summary:2022/12/23 13:06;194;\"2\" item(s) read;2022/12/23 13:06;196;\"0\" item(s) inserted in the database;2022/12/23 13:06;197;\"0\" item(s) filtered in the database;2022/12/23 13:06;198;\"2\" item(s) in error;2022/12/23 13:06;199;End run of the import service", "updated" : "2022-12-23T13:06:12.635+01:00" }